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Coronavirus - Money is important, but you can’t put a price on life!!

I think that I join the nation in my shock of Boris Johnson being taken into Intensive care as a consequence of Coronavirus (COVID-19). If ever we needed evidence that nobody is immune, then there is no clearer evidence.

Over the past two weeks, so much of my time has been reviewing my recruitment business and trying to make the right decisions for both the well-being of my staff as well as ensuring the financial stability of the business. The one thing that I have probably forgotten is how lucky I am to be in good health myself. I think Mr. Johnson (no relation to me I hasten to add!!) has tried to work through the COVID symptoms and be very “Churchillian” in his approach. I feel that this highlights how important both physical and mental health is and giving yourself sufficient downtime for the body and mind to completely rest and recuperate is so, so important.

Money is important, but you can’t put a price on life!!

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  Coronavirus - Money is important, but you can’t put a price on life!! Contact Us